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Choose from Puss Please or 24KT Kisses


Pretty is P is for the know as the yoni!!! Our yoni scrubs are made with ingredients that combats bv, yeast, irritation, ingrowns, & blemishes. It's great to use on the lips (face & below) as well.


Puss Please is lavender fields on a cloudy day. It uplifts and soothes the body and soul.


24KT Kisses is juicy juicy juicy… fresh squeezed oranges straight from Brazil. Uplift mood, ease anxiety and reduce frustration.

Pretty is P Yoni Scrub

$12.00 Regular Price
$8.00Sale Price
  • dead Sea salt, mica powder, rose petals, brazilian orange, citric acid, apple cider vinegar, aloe oil, himalayan sea salt

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