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The Answers You Need
What causes the "tingling menthol feeling" when wearing the pads and/or liners?
Lhamo pads and liners are infused with herbs such as aloe, lavender, mint, rose, and houttuynia, and these herbs combined creates a cooling sensation.
When egg comes out often:
Vaginal muscles are weak
Chronic openness
Not sensitive in canal
Need to train muscles by wearing often
You can grip it with your muscles to suck it back in
Sleep with it inside at night to strengthen muscles
How often should I Yoni Steam?
You can steam as much as you like, except during the time you're on your cycle....I recommend a minimum of three times a month to see results.
When can I stop getting postop care?
When you aren't swelling and not wearing your faja 24/7.
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