4oz or 8oz
Loc’d and Loaded is an all natural hair care line that was created to flourish and maintain healthy locs as well as many other natural styles.
The hair stimulator: is able to help remove build-up from the scalp, allowing for healthier follicles that in turn promote better hair growth, helps encourage healthy hair growth by causing a tingling sensation, which is thought to draw more rushing blood to the scalp for stimulation, treats dandruff, reduce itching, conditions hair, penetrates the hair shaft and moisturize your hair, rather than sitting on top and coating your hair, helps prevent breakage, anti inflammatory, anti microbial, and antibacterial. AND SMELLS SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!
Level 2 is a much stronger version and includes chebe powder and horsetail. Because of its silica content, horsetail is also useful when trying to stimulate hair growth. The herb rejuvenates your hair, adding sheen to the appearance and strength to the hair shafts. It also contains selenium and cysteine, which are known to promote healthy hair growth. Both of these substances contribute to healthier hair and prevent free radicals from damaging the cells. Chebe Powder is made with all-natural ingredients that include Lavender Croton, Prunus Mahaleb, Resin, Clove, Gum Arabic, vegetable oil and perfume. Chébé is the haircare secret of an African ethnic group in Chad known to have very long, naturally coarse hair that famously goes past their rear ends.
Loc’d & Loaded (Hair Stimulator)
Grapeseed oil, avocado oil, castor oil, lavender, calendula, cinnamon, and peppermint herbs, with other growth oils.